We are Jenn Im's favorite!

We are Jenn Im's favorite!

Last month we were super excited to have our store and our original Penco Coil Notebook hollered out by the beautiful-souled Jenn Im on her popular Youtube vlog episode titled "Your Job Is To Like Yourself."
Jenn gave us a peek inside her quarantine life in her LA home, like making a scrumptious persimmon cake for her dad and... her "morning pages" journaling ritual
On keeping a journal, Jenn states that organizing and writing down her thoughts on paper grounds her, especially because looking back at what she had written in the past "transports me back to good memories, things I am grateful for, and not ruminate so much on the negative."
She also talks about the satisfying feeling of reading her "negative" journal entries that later she has "come to terms with" – when those bad thoughts arrive again, she is reminded she can conquer them once again.
📒 💖 💪 
What she said there resonates with us, and makes us proud to be able to offer an instrument for self discovery and growth! 

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