Foolscap Notebook/A7 (PENCO)
A soft cover "foolscap" notebook which has been a staple composition book of universities in Japan, updated by Penco.
Made in Japan by several family-run factories operating jointly in downtown Tokyo.
Dimension: (W)2.9" x (H)4.1"
Page: 30 sheets / 7mm Ruled
More about Foolscap Notebook:
To this day, traditional family-run businesses in downtown Tokyo join forces to actualize the making of these notebooks. One family is in charge of printing the notebooks, then passes them on to another family for trim, to finally have another family bind them. Foolscap is a name of writing paper (and its size) that was commonly used in Europe and Britain in the 1500s. During that time the watermark of a Fool’s cap (Joker hat) was often used on the paper of those dimensions. In the Penco version, see-through lines rule the interior pages made of superior quality writing paper. The tip of the pen or pencil glides effortlessly on its smooth surface. In fact, the notebook is suitable for any writing tool including fountain pens, as the surface takes on ink beautifully without feathering or bleed-through.